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6 Services That You Learned About Lecture And Extra Credit 3 Total Paragraphs


Lecture: Bridging the Gap with Addiction

This weeks topic is one of the hardest to deal with in our personal lives and in the area of public health.  I hope that this helps you discover new services in our community.  Please tell me 6 services that you learned about today and discuss with your classmates how you might use this to help our community.

 Below is the link for the lecture from today.  I hope you enjoy it.  There are many free services available for our community including housing, addiction services, free trees for yards, food and other support for you.  Please take advantage of the services.  Nan

https://cccconfer.zoom.us/rec/share/x_Kh67EbZmKT8LHxLADCkWXDxMyWVkMJ1kIKMSxhQC4gONgaaOxyLAZbp9-Eawwp.eTumHsHjwVq4NQt9 (Links to an external site.) 

Also, I included the ted talk on Listening to shame.  I really hope you take the time to watch it as I know that some of you deal with what shame is.  In an era that tells us we can do everything, I find that many people suffer from some shame and guilt.  I hope that you will be brave enough to look at yourself and how you relate to yourself on a daily basis.  You are worthy of so much in this world.  Please try to take the time to accept and appreciate yourself.   :).

Ted Talk on Shame :  Extra for personal growth

Discussion Extra Credit: Volnerability 

When do you feel vulnerable?  How can you help others that might feel vulnerable when your working with them in a clinical setting as a professional or in your personal life?  Tell us how that would like like to you.   All discussions must have at least the minimum of three total responses.

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