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8 Week Course Need Consistent Helper

Chapter 3:

Section 3.1 (all, although see highlights in text)
Sections 3.2 (all except 173-175)
Sections 3.3 (all)
Sections 3.4 and 3.5 – skip
Section 3.6 (Pg 202 – Determinism until Pg 207 Libertarianism – read the first paragraph on it to understand the theory; Pg 212 (including the Philosophy and Life) until pg. 214)
Section 3.7 (stop at Kant on pg. 223)

Chapter 4:
Section 4.1 (all, but see highlights in text)
Section 4.2 (pg 255 – pg 266 (stop at intelligent design)
Section 4.3 (pg 275 – pg 278, pg 282 until end of section on pg 290)
Section 4.4 (all, but see highlights in text)
Section 4.5 skip

Are human beings free?
If so, using the information you have read explain how. If not, using the information you have read, explain why not.
Finally, explain how your own worldview (outlook on your life) would shift if you changed your mind regarding the subject.

Your initial post should be at least 3 solid paragraphs (at least one per question part). Remember to reference material from the text (properly) to support your post – e.g. “as Hume said in the text concerning _____, The case is that ____ is true”

After completing your initial post, take the time to respond to at least two of your classmates. Please pick at least one response from a peer that argues against your own position. In that reply explain what about their position you think is the most compelling (interesting)? 

This week’s discussion prompt is deceptively simple: Does “good” and “evil” exist, or are they simply made up terms used to put a label on things we “approve of” and “disapprove of”?. Either way you choose to argue, make sure you support your argument from the material in the text (or outside scholarly resources).

Your initial post should be at least 3 solid paragraphs. Remember to reference material from the text (properly) to support your post – e.g. “as Hume said in the text concerning _____, The case is that ____ is true”

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