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A 4 Pages History Paper On The Rise Of Anti Imperialism In Asia During World War Ii

I’m working on a history project and need support to help me study.

For you second essay you will consider the topics of imperialism, resistance, and independence. Based upon the course readings you will write a 4-page essay that describes the rise of anti-imperialist and nationalist movements in Africa and/or Asia during the interwar period. Then, the essay should evaluate the anti-colonial movements of the post-World War II era and explain their successes. Lastly, evaluate the contemporary successes of these movements. You may choose to focus on one region or do a more comprehensive evaluation of the interwar period anti-imperialist and nationalist movements along with the results of these after World War II.

When thinking about how to write your essay remember that a well written paper includes:

– An introduction with a clear thesis statement (argument) that is underlined (see more on how to write a thesis statement here (链接到外部网站。)) and a conclusion summing up your findings and argument.

– Several body paragraphs that include quotations along with MLA citations (链接到外部网站。) from the assigned readings found in Modules 7-13 only (no outside sources or research) to support your thesis statement and claims.

– Historical analysis (see more on what historical analysis looks like here (链接到外部网站。)).

– Analysis should always follow a quote or paraphrased piece from the assigned readings.

– You do not need a Works Cited page!!

When writing and editing your paper keep in mind that you we will be using Turnitin to check for plagiarism. See How to Cite Your Work And Avoid Plagiarism.

Assignment requirements

  • 4 pages minimum
  • an underlined thesis statement in your introduction
  • typed, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced
  • 1 inch margins
  • MLA style citations in the paper
  • reference to assigned course readings
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