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Cmit 326 Wk 3 Discussion Response 3 Response 1

Respond to Maurice:

What are the components of an Amazon VPC?The components of an Amazon Virtual private cloud (VPC) are

Internet gateways: a horizontally scaled, redundant, and highly available VPC component that allows communication between your VPC and the internet.

Egress-only internet gateways allow outbound communication over IPv6 from instances in your VPC to the internet and prevent the internet from initiating an IPv6 connection with your instances.

Carrier gateways -allows inbound traffic from a carrier network in a specific location, and it allows outbound traffic to the carrier network and the internet.

Network Address Translation (Nat) devices for your VPC- forwards traffic from the instances in the private subnet to the internet or other AWS services, and then sends the response back to the instances.

Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) options sets- provide a standard for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network.

Using Domain Name System (DNS) with your VPC -A DNS hostname is a name that uniquely and absolutely names a computer; it’s composed of a hostname and a domain name.

Prefix lists-A prefix list is a set of one or more CIDR blocks. There are two types of prefix lists: AWS managed prefix-list and Customer managed prefix list.

What is the default VPC and what are its advantages?

A default VPC is ready for you to use so that you don’t have to create and configure your own VPC. You can immediately start launching Amazon EC2 instances into your default VPC. You can also use services such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon RDS, and Amazon EMR in your default VPC.

A default VPC is suitable for getting started quickly, and for launching public instances such as a blog or simple website. You can modify the components of your default VPC as needed. If you prefer to create a nondefault VPC that suits your specific requirements; for example, using your preferred CIDR block range and subnet sizes.


VPC networking components- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Networking.html

Default VPC and default subnets https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/default-vpc.html

Respond to David:

Hello Class,

Of the many components for an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), the most notable is elastic network interfaces. Elastic network interfaces are a virtual network interface that gives you the ability to attach or detach from an instance within a VPC. After reviewing module 5 and doing additional research across the web, I also found a few more components of Amazon VPC. Route tables, Network address translation (NAT), VPC sharing and peering, and internet gateway (“AWS Virtual Private Cloud – VPC – Certification”, n.d.). Route tables holds a set of rules, which is also known for routes, which specifically directs network traffic to and from the subnets. Each route has a specific destination and target. Internet gateway is a highly available VPC component in which permits communication between VPC and instance along with the public internet. Network Address translations gateway or NAT authorizes instances in a private subnet in order to connect to the internet the other multiple AWS services. VPC sharing allows users to share subnets with other AWS accounts within the same organizations. VPC peering connections permits users to route privately between two VPC traffic (“AWS Virtual Private Cloud – VPC – Certification”, n.d.).

A default VPC is pre-configured and created in order for users to begin using applications and tool and don’t have to make their own (“Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | AWS Tutorial for Beginners”, n.d.). There are some advantages when you are using a VPC, like, you are able to get started immediately, utilize public instances, and edit components to the default it desired. Default VPC mimics network traditions used to operate your own data center. Some of the many benefits to using a default VPC are preventing loss, propriety data, privacy, and security. For those that aren’t comfortable with creating or setting up your own VPC, the default VPC provides you with ease of setting it up on your own. (Take it from a very inexperienced user. This feature will definitely come in handy for those small business or personal users with minimal IT experience) Although it is public, it is still safe with its advances security features in which allows in and outbound filtering within a subnet and instance level. Another security measure that comes with the default VPC is the ability to monitor and view inline traffic inspection, and assist with screening and securing network traffic (“Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | AWS Tutorial For Beginners”, n.d.).


AWS Virtual Private Cloud – VPC – Certification. Retrieved March 19, 2021, from https://jayendrapatil.com/aws-virtual-private-cloud-vpc/

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | AWS Tutorial For Beginners. Retrieved March 19, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpxDGU2KdkA

Respond to Pawel:

Question 1: What are the components of an Amazon VPC?

Amazon Virtual Private Network is a great solution for someone who wants to have more security and control over the resources provided by Amazon AWS. Main functions of this feature is to separate you AWS resources form other accounts and to protect your network from intrusion. VPC has many components that can be configured to costumer’s needs in order to maximize its potential.

Subnet – is defined and used in order to decide the network to customer’s preference. The smallest subnet that is possible is /28 and the largest is /16.

Route tables – is like a map with directions, also called rules and these rules define network direction.

Internet Gateway – is a device that would be connected to VPC in order to connect to the outside network.

Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) – govern rules of inbound and outbound connection.

Security Group- Specified people that are able to access a resource.

Question 2: What is the default VPC and what are its advantages?

There are two ways of creating VPC. One is called default VTC and the other one is called custom / non-default VTC. There is a big difference in both approaches and it has to do with level of configuration. In a default VTC scenario your network is set up for you by AWS and is ready to be used immediately. It is a tool that helps with networking configuration when EC2 instances are initiated. There is minimal configuration on the part of end user and is usually first created when EC2 resources are provisioned. With a custom VTC the client is responsible for properly configuring and setting up the service and requires him or her to define the IP address range.

Bhardwaj, R. (2020, June 26). Default VPC vs Custom VPC in AWS. IP With Ease. https://ipwithease.com/default-vpc- vs-custom- vpc/#:%7E:text=Whenever%20a%20new%20instance%20is,subnets%20with%20corresponding%20route%20 table.

What is Amazon VPC? – Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Https://Docs.Aws.Amazon.Com/Vpc/Latest/Userguide/What- Is-Amazon-Vpc.Html.

S. (2021, February 18). Dissecting AWS’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Simplilearn.Com. https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/aws-tutorial…

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