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Cmst325 Book Cover


Please submit the following to your Assignments Folder:
1. The original image file(s).
2. The completed Photoshop (.PSD) file.
PLEASE do not merge the layers together!
3. A JPEG (.JPG) version of the completed project.
5. Include all of the fonts used.
6. Submit a Project Reflection (see details below):

Answer the following questions when you submit your assignments files.

1. What is your book about and how does the colors, fonts used, and overall design reflect the subject matter and theme of your book?
2. Where did you find your image(s) (include URL if image was downloaded from the Internet)?
3. What modifications did you make to the image(s) (describe what you did to complete the assignment)?
4. What software applications did you use to complete your project?
5. What fonts did you use to complete your project?

6. What issues or challenges did you face completing this project?