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Com200 Communication Skills Check In Discussion 1

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, revisit and retake The Communication Quiz from Week 1 – How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading Effectively. (Links to an external site.)


An important theme throughout this course is being a competent communicator, which is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both effective and appropriate for a given situation. For this final discussion forum, you are required to do the following:


  • Complete the assessment and compare your results from Week 1 to today.
    • How are they different, if at all, from Week 1?
  • Identify one of your communication strengths, using and citing your textbook.
  • Identify one of your communication weaknesses, using and citing your textbook.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your personal relationships.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your professional relationships.
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