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Combining Internet Research And Critical Thinking To Reveal Milestones And Identify Concerns For The Aging Brain 1


Combining internet research and critical thinking to reveal milestones and identify concerns for the aging brain, you will write an essay to demonstrate your understanding of this essential life organ. Select any two ages you would like to learn more about for this assignment.

  • Students may compare and contrast the brain for two different ages; for example, at two years of age and at nine years of age
  • Students may summarize abilities and/or possible effects of age for one particular age; for example, a 45-year old man or a 96-year old woman.

Step 1: Research.

Conduct research to identify what brain functioning looks like for the ages you’ve selected. It is recommended that you conduct research through our Online Library or use a scholarly internet search. Wikipedia is not allowed and you will need to include at least two different sources; do not rely on the same website for all your information.

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