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Communication Disc

I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me study.

Part 1: Nonverbal Communication: Messages beyond Words

Read chapter 7 and 8. If what a person says conflicts with their actions, which do you believe? If you’re like the majority – you’ll believe their actions – every time! Nonverbal behaviors are powerful and profoundly impact our relationships! Did you know that nonverbal messages include our surroundings, silence, music, odors and the arrangement of rooms? YOUR TASK: Compose 1 well-developed paragraph convincing me that nonverbal behaviors powerfully impact our communication AND relationships. Consider both the wide variety of nonverbal messages AND the characteristics of nonverbal communication. PLEASE resist the temptation to write this post without carefully reading the chapter since points are earned based upon how clearly you demonstrate your understanding of the text.

Part 2: Listening to Strengthen our Relationships

Research indicates that we spend more time listening to others than almost anything else we do. The typical American spends more than 80% of an average day communicating with other people, and about 45% of that time listening. Ironically, most of our formal communication training focuses on writing, the activity to which we devote the least amount of communication time, while we receive the least training in the area we use the most – listening! (Table 8.1, p. 255) Each of us are involved in a variety of relationships: family, friends, co-workers, romantic, etc. Listening plays a crucial role in the success of ALL of these relationships. By learning about the barriers that can interfere with our listening, and what is required to listen well, we can improve our listening. This week let’s focus on developing this essential skill to strengthen our communication and relationships!

Listening Reflection – Pay close attention to your listening choices – effective and ineffective. What are your listening tendencies and the consequences of those listening styles? What factors discussed in the chapter most impact your listening or non-listening (pp. 253-255? Based upon the chapter, what specific steps can you take to strengthen your listening, and in turn, your personal and/or professional relationships? (pp. 255-274) Compose 1 well-developed paragraph explaining your discoveries. Please use first person, these are personal applications and conclusions. Impress me with how much you’ve learned from this week’s reading! Do excellently!

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