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Communications Management Assign 1

No copy paste. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.

I want new text answer, not copied or rephrased.

DO NOT COPY from slides or fellow student.


Follow APA-style referencing. Your answers MUST include at least 1 outside references (other than the slides and textbook)

Use Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.


Critical Thinking

Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives. In your point of view, what are the characteristics of a good communicator that managers looking for? and what values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills? (Marks: 2.5)

Evaluate your communication skills, sort out your strengths and weaknesses. Describe one of your weaknesses, how it prevents you from being a good communicator? How do you plan to work on that weakness before you look for a job? (Marks: 2.5)

Writing Exercise

Write a sample Letter/ Message taking into your consideration the following points: (Marks:5)

  • The purpose of your writing.
  • The audience
  • The structure of your writing (outline)
  • The clarity of your writing (details and example)
  • The three important writing decisions (tone/ word selection/ length)


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