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Online Classic Car Shop

Assignment Type: Report


1.Frame your goals and purposes.

2.Develop content. What information will you present, and how?

3.Think interactive. What information do you want back from the users?



c.Electronic mail?

4.Choose a Domain Name

5.A method for designing and developing the “pages” which make up your business Web site. Although the medium and process are different, this is close to the way you design and write a brochure. The pages may contain text, graphics, audio, video or other files. They may also contain hypertext links to other resources on the Internet.

6.A place to store the files for your site, on a computer called the Web server. This computer runs Web server software which can communicate with the browsers people use to access your site.

7.The Web server must have a dedicated connection to the Internet through an Internet Access Provider. If you want your Web pages to be accessible all the time, the Web server must have a direct Internet connection.

Sources: –

Citation Style: Not Applicable

8 pages / 2200 words (Double spacing)

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