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Organizational Assessment Report For Toyota

Document 1.

Submit a preliminary assessment report, including your scoring spreadsheet and supporting descriptive document. The spreadsheet should be based on the one you submitted Organizational Assessment Plan report that has been continually updated since then to reflect what you have been planning and learning as you’ve been working on your assessment. It should be able to stand alone as your assessment report, including the calculation of your Baldrige score, and associated short comments and notes that support your scoring.

  • Make sure that anyone who opens your spreadsheet can clearly discern the results of your scoring in your assessment.
  • Don’t make your reader have to look around and figure out what you are reporting. The second submitted document should be a Microsoft Word document in which you include any supporting notes that you feel must also be captured to make the documentation of your assessment complete.This assignment is preliminary, or draft. Your final assessment will be due as the u14p1 assignment on April 25th.


Document 2.

Submit your final assessment report, including your scoring spreadsheet and supporting descriptive document. The spreadsheet should be based on the one you submitted in your Organizational Assessment Plan report that you’ve continued to update since then. It should be able to stand alone as your assessment report, including the calculation of your Baldrige score, and associated short comments and notes that support your scoring.

  • Make sure that anyone who opens your spreadsheet can clearly discern the results of your scoring in your assessment, including any rationale you offer to support your detail scoring.
  • Don’t make your reader have to look around and figure out what you are reporting. Do a “Print Preview” to make sure the spreadsheet you turn in can be effectively viewed by management.
  • The second submitted document should be a Microsoft Word document in which you include any supporting notes that you feel must also be captured to make the documentation of your assessment complete.

Keep in mind that if you score your organization noticeably higher than would be considered best-in-class in the literature (typically set at 500-700 points), I’ll be looking for supporting rationale in your notes in the spreadsheet and your supporting material.