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Outline For My Paper 2

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

I want you to construct an outline for my paper using the articles attached.( you can use any other articles as well from the internet but they should be on the same topic).

Thesis: Children who participate in sports have a very high chance of being injured and safer precautions should be put in place.

The outline the follow the format below: ( no need to write paragraphs just simple sentences for each part)

Intro (paragraph 1):

Context (paragraph 2-3)



Article 1 summary: (paragraphs 4-5)



Article 2 summary: (paragraphs 6-7)



5. Article 3 summary: (paragraphs 8-9)



6. Popular and Primary sources: (paragraphs 10-11)


7. Survey .


8. Conclusion and Synthesis: (paragraph 12)



Work cited

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