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Outline Rough Draft Based On 10 Minutes 4 5 Pages Presentation Except The Work Cited Page Subject Home Inspection Mistakes

A Rough Draft of your Outline AND a rough draft of your Script or Essay that makes-up your Lecture. In other words, I want to see your progress in organizing and writing this Lecture. Your text and presentation have to be very well-conceived and executed with a nice dash of professionalism, smarts, insight, and confidence (you have to create a credible Academic lecture). We are constructing and presenting actual texts that play specific roles in a discourse community.

So I need a perfectly written 4-5 pages presentation about focusing on the Finance part of (Home inspection mistakes) + a separate 1-2 pages just for the outlines (like a copy and paste from the presentation process).

I can send samples if needed. I prefer the work will be done on a PowerPoint and with some pictures and graphs (but the work cited sheet, and the pictures and graphs are not included with the 4 or 5 pages work please)

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