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1 Page Critical Analysis 3

Length: 1 page. The article is attached Are You Ignoring Trends-Ofek-HBR.pdf  Need it done by Sunday Feb.1

Critical reading:

1. Identify the author’s thesis and purpose

2. Analyze the structure of the passage by identifying all main ideas

3. Consult a dictionary or encyclopedia to understand material that is unfamiliar to you

4. Write your summary of the work before writing the critical analysis.

5. Before actually writing the critical analysis, answer the following questions:

o What is the source of the material?

o What are the author’s qualifications?

o Are there more facts or opinions given?

o What is the author’s purpose?

o Is there any bias present in the passage?

o Who is the author’s intended audience?

o What is the tone of the passage?

o What is the intended meaning of the passage?

Critical Writing:

1. Start your critical analysis by giving the title, author, and purpose of the passage.

2. Choose several of the areas that you analyzed in your critical reading that are noteworthy and

discuss them in several sentences.

3. Finish your critical analysis with a total assessment of the article. What is your overall view

of the article? Is it well-written?

4. What should not be in a critical analysis:

a. I liked this article because…

b. I didn’t like this article because…

5. Check to be sure that you do not summarize the reading selection. You should only be

analyzing it.

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