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Agile Management

Agile tools: getting hands-on experience with Scrum tools, Kanban tools, burndown chart 

tools, backlog tools, etc. 

Examples include the following tools : 

1 – VersionOne, 

2 – TargetProcess, 

7 – ANY other AM tool except :::


Pivotal Tracker,

ProjectCards, SmartBear)

PPT presentation with a total of AT LEAST 45 (FORTY FIVE) TOP QUALITY 

 slides for 3 assigned analyzed tools, including at least 15 slides for each analyzed 


 Each slide must include 

 50% of graphical data (= computer screen snapshot that clearly shows main 

 function(s) of each assigned AM tool) 


 50% of textual information on your explanation of presented feature/function (What? 

 Why? Who? When? How? etc.). 

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