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Answer My 3 Question Plz

Question 8.8. Intellectual property does not include whichof the following?

  the lyrics andmelody of a pop star’s latest single

  the recipe fora brand of soft drink

  the amount ofsteel used in a certain make and model of car

  a novelist’shandwritten manuscripts

Question 9.9. Let’s say, as a student, you’ve used thestudent version of a publishing program to create an advertising flyer for yourfamily’s company. You have violated which of the following licensingagreements?


  installing thesoftware on multiple computers

  peer-to-peerfile sharing

  commercial useof noncommercial software

Question 10.10. Which describes the open-content method ofpublishing used by sites such as Wikipedia?

  Subscribersmust pay for the ability to copy and modify content.

  Anyone can copyand modify content but requires permission first.

  Anyone can copyand modify content.

  A committeedecides who gets to copy and modify content.

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