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Apple Inc

I need the answer of question 2 ONLY …

Answer the below questions about the company you are researching for your case report in this class:

1.  What is the organization’s legal name?  Use the internet to research the company’s international operations.  In what country is it based for tax purposes?  In what countries does it have offices/branches?

I have selected APPLE for the purpose of my assignment; APPLE conducts operations all around the globe. APPLE was market leader and lead the market of Smartphone. APPLE is still leading with latest technology, by providing IOS as operating system and through products like iPhone, MAC, iPod and iPad etc. 

Legal Name

The legal name of APPLE is APPLE INC. as per form 10-K submitted by the organization [(1) APPLE (2014)]. 

Based for tax Purposes

APPLE’s head office lies in Cupertino, California. APPLE INC. falls under legal jurisdiction of California State and based in California for tax purposes as well [(1) APPLE (2014)]. 

Other Branches and Offices

APPLE has offices in America, Japan, India, China, Europe and other countries of Pacific Asia [(1) APPLE (2014), Page 27].

2.  Now, ascertain the different staffing policies used by the organization in those countries.  Be as detailed as possible.  Use citations where possible.

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