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here is the question.

2013 Broward County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

General Instructions

For this assignment, you will be reading portions of the 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) issued by Broward County. You will be asked selected questions from the CAFR and provide interpretation/comment.

Specific Requirements

1)  From the Statement of Net Assets and related information, please answer the following questions: (30 points)

  a.  What assets are included in Governmental Activities- Not-depreciable Capital   Assets? Provide a breakdown by type of asset and amount.

  b.  What is the largest asset included in the Business-type Activities Depreciable   Capital Assets? Identify the particular asset and the amount included for that   asset.

  c.  What percentage of Governmental Activities Net Assets are unrestricted? What   percentage of Business Activities Net Assets are unrestricted? What can you learn   from these percentages?

  d.  From the Management, Discussion and Analysis, pick 3 accounts that from the   Statement of Net Assets that have changed significantly from 2012 to 2013.    Identify the changes, significance (% change, etc.), and discuss contributing     factors identified in the report. Hint: use MD&A plus notes.

  e.  Explain what is and why there is separate reporting for the component unit.

2.  From the Statement of Activities, please answer the following questions: (20 points)

Based on Net Expense, which three Governmental Activities had the highest net expense? Identify the activities and the amounts.

Which Business-type Activities had Net Expense (i.e., Expenses higher than Program Revenues)? Identify the activities and the amounts.

What were the five largest General Revenues? Identify the revenue items and the amounts.

What was the amount of the Change in Net Assets for Governmental Activities?

    e.  From the Management, Discussion and Analysis, pick 3 accounts that from the   Statement of Activities that have changed significantly from 2012 to 2013.    Identify the changes,   significance (% change, etc.), and discuss contributing     factors identified in the report. Hint: use MD&A plus notes.

3.    Review the information reported in the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet and answer   the following questions:  (10 points)

What are the names of the major government funds?

What is accounted for in each of the major governmental funds

Identify the purposes for which the General Fund fund balance is reserved and the amounts that are reserved for each purpose.

4.  Review the information reported in the Reconciliation schedule  and answer the   following questions: (10 points)

    a.  What is being reconciled in this schedule and why is this reconciliation needed?   Hint: to answer this question adequately, you need to discuss how the   Governmental Funds Balance Sheet differs from the Statement of Net Assets.

    b.  In your own words, explain the two largest reconciling items (differences) on the   Reconciliation.

5)  Describe the nature and impact of the prior period adjustment? (10 points)

6)   Review the information reported in the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenue,   Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances , and answer the following questions: (10   points)

What are the three largest sources of revenues in the General Fund, and how much was reported for each source?

How much did the County expend during the year ended September 30, 2012 for Debt Service? What was the breakdown for these expenditures (e.g., how much for principal)?

7.  Revenue the comparison of budgeted and actual revenue, expenditures, and changes in   fund balance for the General Fund, and answer the following questions: (10 points)

    a.  Was actual revenue higher or lower than budgeted? What were the two largest   variances (positive or negative), and what was the amount of each variance? 

    b.  Were actual expenditures higher or lower than budgeted? What were the two   largest variances (positive or negative), and what were the amounts of the   variances?

         i.e. do not cut-and-paste anything from the CAFR into the summary, no direct quotes, write it in your own words, etc.

An executive summary is an essay of the most significant points, synthesized, explained, and written in own words. Questions must be answered in essay form.  


Now, the answer to this question is in this  link —-> solutions.docx 

The problem is that it is not in the essay format. Can you please make this solution file into the essay answer?

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