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new persentation google_poject_loon.ppt

In the presentation edit this  Ensure you have the appropriate citation on each slide

See attached comments on the paper

On your presentation slides:

  Have one per source

  Identify what factors apply to each source

  Have a concluding slide that sums up the factors identified

  Have a slide for the reference list

In the annotated bibliography-annotated_bibliographies.doc


Each of theannotations should be about 150 words. You don’t need to repeat information from the citation, like publicationdate, etc.  In the 150 words, summarizethe content of the source.

At this time inthe evelopment of your paper, there should be about six sources.

Each source should have aparagraph in which you summarize the source and identify which factors oftiming of market entry apply.  Theparagraph must also have a citation

If you do the above, youdon’t need a concluding paragraph.

If you choose to do aconcluding paragraph, you must identify the factors that apply to each source.

In the Term Paper:google_project_loon NEW.doc

 you should add the 6 sources and edit the paper

please do-1-Term Paper-2-An annotated bibliography-3-Term Paper Presentation






Term Paper:  The paper will cover a topic  GOOGLE PROJECT LOON  related to the management of technology, The focus will be on the management of a technology.

The objective of the term paper is to analyze the product or process in terms of the nine factors influencing optimal timing of market entry explained on pages 95-99 of the text.

Completed papers will be in 12-point type, double-spaced, consisting of not less than five nor more than ten pages excluding illustrations, any cover sheet, and the reference list.  The papers will be graded on applicability, content, flow, and the proper application of APA style and citations. 

An annotated bibliography of the references supporting your paper An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to references (books, articles, and documents). Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph called the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.  (Olin and Uris Libraries, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853).  Sources will be less than seven (7) years old.

  Completed papers will be in 12-point type, double-spaced, consisting of not less than five nor more than ten pages excluding illustrations, any cover sheet, and the reference list.  The papers will be graded on applicability, content, flow, and the proper application of APA style and citations. 

Term Paper Presentation:  A summary of your work will be presented in PowerPoint.  This presentation requirement will likely occur before the paper is due.  Students will be allocated up to 15 minutes for their presentation.


Approved with comment. 9 Jun 15 BAJ:

Use as your topic technologies that bring the Internet to rural populations.  Don’t spend much time describing the specifics of each technology.  Discuss how the tech firms will get the job accomplished and the challenges they face.

  Google is launching hundreds of helium balloons into the sky; those balloons are connected to telecommunications network on the ground. The balloons provide cellular coverage of Internet to cellphones. They are supposed to deliver Internet access to the 60 percent of the world population (around 4 billion) ,who live in rural areas, deserts and forests. The idea is to provide connectivity in areas where telecom operators are not interested in covering. Google is now ready to launch this new technological era after working on it for three years to spread economics, social benefits and connectivity. Google has taken a unique approach to help the world’s underdeveloped and primitive spots and create a business model on the same time. Although its seems like a charity project from the first look, there are many business cases and benefits that will follow; Reaching out for those unknown customer and getting them online and involving them in this technology world.The competition is coming from Facebook; they have a similar project using unmanned planes or space drones to provide the same cellular coverage and connectivity in what they call the internet.org project. The parallel development came in the balloons industry in which Google has invested millions producing new breed of high-tech balloons that could last more months. One of the major problems for the project was the spectrum on which the balloons will operate on, shall they buy spectrum or lease from cellular operators. Other problem was how to keep the balloons longer period of time on the atmosphere covering those isolated spots.

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