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Health Care Marketing 15

It is time for a marketing audit! The Health Care System wants to see how responsive they are to market needs and preferences, and if their marketing strategies are showing a good return on investment. You have been brought in as an objective party to perform this audit. During this LearnScape, you will choose the right people to be in the interviews and choose the best questions to ask from the following categories:

  • Market and market segments
  • The organization
  • Competitors
  • Products and services
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Channels of distribution

Once the information is gathered, you will identify the top 3 strengths and the top three weaknesses of the organization. Then, you will make prioritized recommendations to turn the weaknesses into strengths.


You will submit an e-mail to Quinn Smith, Chairman of the Board, outlining the top three strengths and the top three weaknesses of the marketing campaign, along with suggestions on how to improve on the weaknesses. No more then 500 words

***I will give you access to the video once I accept your bid****

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