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Health Care Marketing 20

Research of Hope Children’s Hospital (this is a made up facility-compare to children facilities in Orlando, Florida)

Recommendations and Conclusion

  1. Examine why it is necessary for the marketing plan to be integrated into the organization and explain what integration of the marketing plan means.
  2. Compare some likely elements that the plan should be integrated with and why.
  3. Distinguish the core elements of that market plan.
  4. Explain how an organization could evaluate among alternative plans to see what plan(s) might be approved. What criteria would be used?
  5. Analyze the core differences between strategy and tactics.
  6. Evaluate examples of assumed assumptions in health care and discuss under what conditions assumed assumptions occur.
  7. Differentiate how marketing demonstrates accountability in a health care setting.
  8. Discuss the planning issues that are often encountered. Provide an overview of the issue, why the issue is important, and implications of the issue to the process and provide examples.
  9. There are issues facing planning and marketing professionals however, there is advice to help marketing professionals be more effective. Evaluate what is meant by each of the following items:
    1. Be the Voice of the Market
    2. Earned Role verses Assigned Role
    3. Accountability
    4. Be Bold and Have Ideas


Should only be between 2 to 3 pages.


References are to be scholarly peer reviewed resources ONLY, with a minimum of two (2) references. You MUST use the APA template for ALL written Assignments.

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