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Healthcare Service Settings 2

Healthcare Service Settings andTheir Impact on Economy

Through your readings this week, youwill have learned:

  • The importance of financial information in HCOs and itsfunctions
  • The revenue cycle for HCOs and the impact of billing,coding, and reimbursement on cash flows, without undermining clinicalexcellence
  • Various payers and their methods of payment toproviders’ claims

Using an OnlineLibrary, the Internet, and your textbook readings, respond to the following ina minimum of 300–500 words:

  • Briefly describe the following healthcare servicesettings and offer your thoughts on which will have the most impact on ournational economy in the next five years.
  1. Hospitals
  2. Ambulatory care
  3. Home healthcare
  4. Long-term care
  5. Integrated delivery systems
  • Identify the top three benefits attributed tointegrated delivery systems.
  • Provide reasons for and evidence insupport of your responses.

    Be sure to cite any relevantresources used in framing your responses. Apply APA standards to cite sources.

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