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Help In Philosophy Please

True or False 1-15

1.  To say that philosophyencourages the adoption of a questioning attitude means that philosophicthinking encourages people to deny the existence of God or traditional moralbeliefs.

2. In philosophythe purpose of rational self-examination is to develop arguments that corrector support beliefs in ways that could be persuasive even to people withdifferent backgrounds.

3. Thoughphilosophy is defined as the pursuit of wisdom, it does not investigate what itmeans to ask questions in the first place.

4. As the pursuitof wisdom, philosophy raises questions about almost everything except what itmeans to question in the first place.

5. Becausephilosophy requires that we question our beliefs, it cannot provide reasons whyone set of beliefs should be preferred over another.

6. One of theprimary aims of philosophy is to see how our beliefs compare with those ofothers who can and do raise objections against those beliefs.

7. Philosophyattempts to answer questions such as “Why do we exist?” by examiningwhat it means to ask such questions and to evaluate whether proposed answers tosuch questions are justified.

8. Philosophicalquestions are generally more concerned with identifying how beliefs differamong persons or cultures than with how those different beliefs can bejustified.

9. Myth providesthe vocabulary and grammar in terms of which both philosophical questions andtheir answers are intelligible.

10.  Bygiving us a sense of purpose and moral value, myth indicates our place innature and explains in general why things are the way they are.

11.  Thepoint of the Socratic method is to determine the truth of a belief by means ofdialectical exchange (questions and answers, hypothesis and counter-example).

12. Socrates’scomment that “the unexamined life is not worth living” is an exampleof his ironic technique of saying something that means just the opposite.

13. In theSocratic method of enquiry, one asks questions aimed at discovering the nature,essence, or fundamental principles of the topic under consideration.

14. Socraticignorance is the same as complete skepticism because Socrates admits he knowsnothing, not even whether his method of enquiry is appropriate.

15. Like thesocial sciences (e.g., psychology or sociology), philosophy discovers truths byidentifying what people in fact believe instead of judging whether thosebeliefs are justified.

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