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A purpose of procedural writing is

to give information about a topic.

to tell why something should be done.

to help someone accomplish a task.

to explain the reason for an event.

Read a student’s directions for planting carrots.

First, poke one-inch holes into the soil about 2 inches apart. Next, place one seed in each hole. Third, cover the holes with soil. Finally, water the soil thoroughly.

Listing these directions in the order in which they should be done is called a





Read the directions for making a vegetable and cheese omelet.

1. Crack two eggs in a bowl, and whisk them with a fork until the eggs are thoroughly blended.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of milk to the bowl, and whisk.

3. Place a pan over medium heat, and lightly coat it with a non-stick cooking spray.

4. Pour the egg mixture into a pan, and cook until the edge of the egg turns a golden brown.

5. Sprinkle shredded cheese and chopped vegetables evenly on top of the egg. Continue cooking until the cheese begins to melt.

6. Using a spatula, carefully fold the egg in half.

7. Carefully slide the omelet onto a plate.

What would happen if a person completed step 6 before step 5?

The cheese and vegetables would be on top of the eggs instead of folded inside them.

The omelet would be unable to slide onto a plate because it would stick to the pan.

The egg mixture would burn because it would cook faster than the cheese and vegetables. 

The cheese would not melt enough to blend properly with the eggs and vegetables.

A person would use procedural writing to

create a poster for a car wash.

provide information about cats.

explain how to build a birdhouse.

explain recent news events.

Which set of directions best shows the correct sequence of steps for planting carrots?

Poke one-inch holes into the soil.
Place one seed in each hole.
Cover the holes with soil.
Water the soil thoroughly.

Poke one-inch holes into the soil.
Cover the holes with soil.
Water the soil thoroughly.
Place one seed in each hole.

Place one seed in each hole.
Cover the holes with soil.
Poke one-inch holes into the soil.
Water the soil thoroughly.

Water the soil thoroughly.
Place one seed in each hole.
Cover the holes with soil.
Poke one-inch holes into the soil.

Read a student’s recipe.

Cheese and Vegetable Omelet

1. Crack two eggs in a bowl, and whisk them with a fork until the eggs are thoroughly blended.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of milk to the bowl, and whisk.

3. Place a pan over medium heat, and lightly coat it with a non-stick cooking spray.

4. Pour the egg mixture into a pan, and cook until the edge of the egg turns a golden brown.

5. Sprinkle shredded cheese and chopped vegetables evenly on top of the egg. Continue cooking until the cheese begins to melt.

6. Using a spatula, carefully fold the egg in half.

7. Carefully slide the omelet onto a plate.

What essential part is missing from this recipe?

a cooking method

a clear goal

a list of ingredients

a procedure

Procedural writing would be useful for explaining

why bears hibernate in the winter.

where bald eagles build their nests.

how a new library will help students.

how to play a game of Frisbee golf.

A purpose of procedural writing is

to explain how something works.

to tell about the history of something.

to give basic details about something.

to explain why something is done.

Read the directions for making a toy parachute.

1. Cut thick string or twine into four pieces that are 9 inches long.

2. Cut a 12×5-inch rectangle out of a plastic garbage bag.

3. Using a hole punch, poke a hole into each corner of the rectangle.

4. Slide the end of each piece of string through a hole in the rectangle.

5. Tie a knot to the end of each string so that they are attached to the corners of the plastic rectangle.

6. Either tape or tie the loose ends of the string to a small object, such as an action figure or toy car.

7. Hold the top of the parachute so that the object hangs loosely below it.

8. Find a high place from which to drop your parachute, such as a chair or a small wall.

9. Softly toss your parachute into the air, and watch it float to the ground.

What would happen if someone skipped step 6?

The object would cause the parachute to collapse.

The object would not be heavy enough for the parachute.

The object would become tangled with the parachute.

The object would not be attached to the parachute.

Read the directions for making a toy parachute.

1. Cut thick string or twine into four pieces that are 9 inches long.

2. Cut a 12×5-inch rectangle out of a plastic garbage bag.

3. Using a hole punch, poke a hole into each corner of the rectangle.

4. Slide the end of each piece of string through a hole in the rectangle.

5. Tie a knot to the end of each string so that they are attached to the corners of the plastic rectangle.

6. Either tape or tie the loose ends of the string to a small object, such as an action figure or toy car.

7. Hold the top of the parachute so that the object hangs loosely below it.

8. Find a high place from which to drop your parachute, such as a chair or a small wall.

9. Softly toss your parachute into the air, and watch it float to the ground.

The purpose of these directions is

to explain how to launch a toy parachute.

to describe the size of a toy parachute.

to describe the parts of a toy parachute.

to explain how to make a toy parachute.

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