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Read the metaphor.

The air was a heavy, thick blanket

The metaphor compares the words

heavy and air.

heavy and thick.

air and blanket.

thick and blanket.

Read the word pair.


Which type of word relationship does this word pair represent?

cause and effect

part and whole

whole and part

item and category

Read the word pair.


Which type of word relationship does this word pair represent?

cause and effect

part and whole

effect and cause

item and category


Read the sentence.

Our minds danced as we thought about what we would do with the extra money.

The speaker is using figurative language to say

they are dizzy from the thought of having extra money.

they are happy about the idea of having extra money.

they are worried about not having enough money.

they are not sure how they will spend the extra money. 

Read the paragraph.

The storm continued for hours. The thunder was so loud that it was deafening. Lightning flashed in the sky, taking the night from completely black to light. The world was coming to an end.

Which statement explains how figurative language is used in the passage?

Personification is used to show the power of the storm.

Hyperbole is used to show the power of the storm.

Personification is used to show the size of the storm.

Hyperbole is used to show the darkness of the storm.

Read the sentence.

When I saw her yawn, I could not tell if it was because she was tired or just bored.

Which statement best describes what a student can learn by analyzing the relationship between the two underlined words?

Yawning can cause tiredness.

Yawning can cause boredom.

Tiredness can cause yawning.

Boredom can cause yawning.

Which is the best description of figurative language?

It expresses an emotion or feeling.

It shows the actual meaning of something.

It shows what something looks like.

It expresses the writer’s opinion.

Read the sentence.

As usual, the news broadcast ended with the weather report.

What word best helps the reader understand the meaning of the word “broadcast”?





Read the sentence.

Because of huge demand, the performers added another show.

Which word best helps the reader understand the meaning of the word “demand”?





Read the sentence.

When Milo had chicken pox, his brother had to move out of their room because the virus is contagious.

Which statement best describes what a student can learn by analyzing the relationship between the two underlined words?

A virus is a type of chicken pox.

Chicken pox is a type of virus.

A virus is highly contagious.

Chicken pox is highly contagious.

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