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According to Codesqueeze (2015), portability is the ability to use a business’s application over many platforms. BYOD (bring your own device) makes portability especially important. Even if every employee were to use a laptop, there are many different operating systems, such as Apple OSX, Linux, Microsoft Windows, or Android’s Jelly Bean, Lollipop, or KitKat to name a few. The employees need to be able to access their work through the business’s application on their personal device in order to do their job.

Complete IT Professional (2012) compares IT architecture to construction architecture. Instead of designing a building or a road, IT architecture is for designing a system using the similar steps (designing the building to designing a system, the components necessary in the building or system, etc.). Portability has to be entwined into IT architecture or the business will suffer. Portability solidifies the architecture with the six other “-ilities” to support the information system because people need their business applications to work on their iPad tablet, Android smartphone, and Microsoft Windows laptop. Also, people who are looking to purchase something from the business need to be able to easily access the website or application for the business from whatever technology they are using. If portability is not built-in to the IT architecture and a potential customer cannot access the business’s application through their chosen technology, they have lost potential revenue.

Code Squeeze. (2015). The 7 software “-ilities” you need to know. Retrieved from http://codesqueeze.com/the-7-software-ilities-you-need-to-know/

Complete IT Professional. (2012). What is IT architecture and what does it involve? Retrieved from http://www.completeitprofessional.com/what-is-it-architecture-and-what-does-it-involve/


“Scalability is the capacity to increase the size of your operation without a breakdown in processes, communications, or efficiency. Highly scalable companies are characterized by the ability to increase capacity without a huge increase in overhead. In other words, highly scalable companies have minimal impediments to growth.” (Fractional Executive, n.d.)

Example #1 you have computer and a home network. You go your browser and access the internet. Your download speed is fast and your connection to your wireless DSL is showing five out of five bars for signal strength. Now you want to add your family members and four people to your network. When you add them there is no change to your internet download speed or connection signal strength. You have increased in scale without jeopardizing your capabilities. 

Have you ever wanted to switch out just one piece of software, but feared that it would affect the interoperability of your entire IT platform infrastructure? Your inventory tracker, sales order system platform, webmail client, word processor and accounting software – they all have to operate concurrently, and when one or more needs to be updated or changed, the dreaded interoperability question rears its ugly head. (Curry, 2014)

Example #2 you have a small company with 25 employees and everyone has a small printer at his or her desk. You have did the numbers and purchasing two medium network printers centrally located in the office would be cheaper in the long run instead of constantly purchasing new printers and print cartridges for new employees. You get rid of the printers and install the network printer without any glitches that cause downtime. Adding the printer has created more desk space making the office look less congested giving it a more professional appearance plus a more efficient office. 

Curry, J. (2014, March 17). How Enterprise Cloud Services Can Solve IT Scalability Problems. Retrieved February 6, 2015, from http://www.latisys.com/blog-post/enterprise-cloud-services-solve-it-scalability-problems


An ethical issue IT organizations face today privacy. To elaborate on this issue, viewing or using data such as an employer’s email just because it is available is an unethical decision to make. IT personnel have the power of accessing all kinds of confidential data within a companies’ networks and systems, and this power can be abused at any time (Shinder, 2005). Therefore, with the issue of privacy, ethical concerns would include whether or not one should read private emails just because one can, whether it is okay to read employee’s emails to ensure safe policy practices, whether it is okay to read employee’s emails to make sure company rules are not being violated as so forth (Shinder, 2005).

I haven’t really been personally affected by an IT ethical issue. I can recall a couple occassions where I gave IT personnel permission to remotely access my work computer to diagnose technical issues. Anything open on my screen was viewable. The IT personnel could have been unethical by viewing my information because it was available, however, it was clear that the attention was on the technical problem I was having and not on my personal documents.


Shinder, D. (2005). “Ethical issues for IT security professionals”. Retrieved from http://www.computerworld.com 


One ethical issue faced by IT employees and employers would be nondisclosure agreements when employees leave to work for another firm. Not all employees are required to sign these, so the question is whether or not it is ethical to use the knowledge from one employer to benefit another. Nondisclosure agreements protect information that is not known to other businesses and can prevent someone from disclosing company secrets. For example, Sabeer Bhatia, who “collected over 400 NDAs from employees, friends and roommates. He believes that his secrecy efforts gave him a crucial six-month lead on the competition. He eventually sold Hotmail to Microsoft for a reported $400 million in stock.” (Stim). Some confidentiality agreements even prevent former employees from working in a specific field for a certain amount of time (Learn more about Non-Disclosure Agreement). 

These agreements are common in tech fields, but since many employees who come into contact with potentially confidential information aren’t required to sign them, it is their decision whether or not it is ethically right to divulge this information with their new employers (Stim). 


Learn more about Non-Disclosure Agreement. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2015, from https://www.rocketlawyer.com/form/non-disclosure-agreement.rl

Stim, R. (n.d.). Nondisclosure Agreements | Nolo.com. Retrieved February 5, 2015, from http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/nondisclosure-agreements-29630.html

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