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I Need Help With This Can Someone Help Me 1

GOAL: To design the shape of a new place for teenagers to hang out, and then to duplicate that shape to three more locations using three different transformations (a refection, a translation, and a rotation).

1.  Give the shape of the original figure, along with its original coordinates.  This shape should be located in Quadrant I, like in the image.
2.  Translate, Rotate, or Reflect the original figure to the first new location or Quadrant II.  State the coordinates of this new image, along with an explanation and/or notation of the transformation you used to move it.
3.  Using a different transformation than your first move, translate, rotate, or reflect the original figure to the second new location or Quadrant III.  Make sure to go from the original.  State the coordinates of this new image, along with an explanation and/or notation of the transformation you used to move it.
4.  Using the transformation that you haven’t used yet, translate, rotate, or reflect the original figure to the final location or Quadrant IV.  Make sure to go from the original.  State the coordinates of this new image, along with an explanation and/or notation of the transformation you used to move it.


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