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Journalism 3 01 3 02 3 04

Topic: Write an informative news story about your chosen career in journalism.

Chosen Career: Freelance Writer

Part 1

You must choose a topic for a feature story that you will write over the next few lessons. 

I picked the following topic:

  • Gender Bias in the Media – For example, do males or females get an unfair advantage in jobs in the media? Look at leadership positions, appearance requirements, equal pay, etc. There are many other ways to explore this topic, as well!

Remember, you will be writing a feature story using one of these topics. This means you will have to find a human interest subject within your topic that you can report as a narrative:

  1. Which topic have you selected? (Gender Bias in the Media)
  2. In five to seven sentences, explain how you plan to turn this topic into a feature story. List your resources (research sources, interviews, etc.) and answer the 5Ws and one H in your explanation. (What,Where,When,Why,Who & How)

Part 2

You must conduct your research and interviews and then write the first 250 words of your feature story:

  1. List and explain how you have used your research sources here.
  2. Provide the name of your interviewee, the date of your interview, and the responses you got from your interviews here. (The interview can be on a real person or you can google a interview that’s RELATED to the topic!)
  3. Paste the first 250 words of your feature story here.

Part 3

You will write the last 250 words of your feature story:

  1. List and explain how you have used details and anecdotes here.
  2. Paste your lead and conclusion here. Explain how they relate to each other.
  3. Paste the last 250 words of your feature story here.

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