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Mr Jonas In Ray Bradbury S Dandelion Wine Questions Need Asap No Slow Repliers

(1.)  Which option best describes the character of Mr. Jonas in Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine?
1. whimsical and generous
2. mournful and sincere
3. intelligent and scholarly
4. creative and shy

(2.)   How are background readings a useful resource for a writer who is trying to find a research topic?
1. It might give the writer the material he or she needs to write the paper.
2. It might help the writer determine his or her level of interest in the topic.
3. It might help the writer determine if readers will want to learn more about the topic.
4. It might show the writer that his or her topic has already been covered by another writer.

(3.) Read the scenario:

Benny wants to write about climate change, but he knows he needs to narrow down this broad topic. He has made a list of current events that are related to his topic. The trouble is, he can’t decide which event he should focus on.

Which brainstorming technique would be most helpful to Benny?
1. Use a search engine to look up each event to determine which one would have the most research material.
2. Use a pro/con chart to list the positives and negatives of each event.
3. Generate a list of genuine, open-ended questions about each event; then select the one that leads to the most interesting questions.
4. Generate a web organizer that links all of the events to the topic; then use the web to organize a paper that covers all of the events.

(4.) Which option best contrasts the author’s purpose with the opinions that might appear on a blog?
1. The author’s purpose is often not directly stated, while his or her opinions should appear directly in the text.
2. The author’s opinions are often not directly stated, while the author’s purpose should appear directly in the text.
3. The author’s purpose may not be represented by all of the opinions that he or she features on the blog.
4. The author’s purpose is represented by all of the opinions that he or she features on the blog.

(5.)Which option best contrasts a critique and a summary?
1. A summary communicates factual information; a critique does not.
2. A critique communicates factual information; a summary does not.
3. A summary contains the opinions of its author; a critique does not.
4. A critique contains the opinions of its author; a summary does not.

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