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Powerpoint Make Sure To Follow All Directions

For this project, you will becreating a PowerPoint presentation that addresses creative ways to integrate multiculturaleducation into the curriculum, reduce cultural stereotyping, and enhancemulticultural understanding.

Before you start your project, readthis web resource article, “Teaching With A Multicultural Perspective.” You canfind this article when you click on the link below. In terms of ethics, how can early childhoodeducators influence the development of positive attitudes toward all races,cultures and ethnic groups?  You will bescored on a GEL for this project.  TheGEL is “identify ethical issues within the field of Early Childhooddevelopment.”  After your title slide, this needs to be yourfirst slide.  On this slide you willexplain why ethically it is important for all educators to addressmulticulturalism and diversity in the classroom.  Once you have explained this you will beready to begin.

Onyour next five slides you will be providing suggestions for parents/teachers onactivities they could use to promote an understanding of other cultures inaddition to their own. Be sure to identify the age range for which theactivities would be appropriate. All of your activities need to be for the sameage group, and this age group needs to be identified on your title slide. In addition to our article under the web resource link inthis unit’s reading and the information in the text, you may find the webresource article “Preschool Multicultural Activities” helpful.  Please remember that like any of your other submissions everything onyour power point slides needs to be in your own words.  If you use any idea or activity that you readabout in our unit 5 readings or another reliable source, you must provide anin-text citation on your slide.  You willinclude your full reference in APA format on your reference slide.

Your power point is the type ofpresentation that could be presented to students considering the profession,parents, or to a conference of childcare professionals.

PowerPoint: The presentation should be a minimum of six slides inlength, not including the title and reference slide.  Your power point needs to be balancedbetween the copy you write and the graphics you use.  While you will not be graded on the graphicsand pictures you use to enhance your slides, there must be something on theslides besides words.  If you onlyincluded words on your slide, then you might as well put the information in aMS Word document.  Google Images iswonderful and easy to use, and photos and pictures are easy to add to yourpower point presentation.  If you needhelp doing a power point, visit the Kaplan Writing Center in the evening whenthere are live tutors available to work with you.  Please make sure that you understand what youneed to do before you begin.

“Teaching With A Multicultural Perspective.”

Preschool Multicultural Activities


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