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Redo Justification Report Part 3 Final

Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)
Due Week 7 and worth 200 points
Color Coded Sample Student Justification Report (3).docx 

Eng 315 Justification Pt.3.docx 
In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References). You will begin Part 3 by inserting your revisions of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will include a few new additions:

Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:

  • Introduction (for Question 1)
    • Problem Statement (for Question 1a)
    • Terminology (for Question 1b)
    • Major Sections of the Report (for Question 1c)
    • Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 1d)
  • Preliminary Parts (for Question 2)
  • Recommendation (for Question 3)
  • References (for Question 4)

Write a four (4) page, single-spaced report in which you: 

  1. Create an introduction that tells what your report is about.
    1. Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1.
    2. Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report.
    3. Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report that you’ve developed in Parts 1 and 2.
    4. Discuss what your report will cover and what it will not.
  2. Create the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction (after reading Chapter 12 in your Professional Communications textbook), which includes:
    1. Title Page
    2. Transmittal
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Executive Summary
      Note: Use small Roman numerals to number the pages of the preliminary parts of the report.
  3. Create the Recommendation section of the Report.
    1. Provide a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e. solution) to the problem in the Problem Statement.
  4. Create the References sections, which goes at the end of the Report, by pasting in your revised References page.

Note: Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Assignment 2.2 directions stated: “In Part 2, you will revise Part 1 based on your instructor’s suggestions and add to it the following sections: Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References.” You did not include the revised Part I here. Please be sure to use my comments on Assignment 2.1 as well as comments in this writing for your final revision and work in Assignment 2.3.


    Again, although your personal narrative is interesting, it is not appropriate for the Report. In revision, you should create an Overview of Alternatives Section which clearly describes two alternatives to addressing the Problem Statement. These Alternatives must be options you research in terms of the Criteria you identify.


    Although you make many insightful generalizations about business in this writing, this is much to broad for the Report. In revision, you’ll need to create a concrete, specific topic to address in your organization. I’ll attach the Report directions, sample Report, and template to help you with this task.

    A Justification Report is a specific writing genre in APA Format. You should use the format explained in course materials and provided in the Justification Template.

    The Justification Report is not an essay, instead, it is a Report that addresses a specific problem which you offer two Alternative solutions. The bulk of the Report should be researching those solutions. 

    What is your problem statement? The Problem Statement is the most important part of the Report. So, you should make it a priority to create one before moving on to the upcoming aspects of the Report. 

    Begin with Problem Statement 
    -Orients reader to the topic and problem being investigated
    -Why is the topic important? Explain how report will help reader solve the problem.

    Where is this information from? As noted in course materials, in order to avoid plagiarism, you need to include both in-text citations and a References Page.

    As noted in comments in Assignment 2.1, this Report must offer research on specific/concrete options for change in your employer. Although you make some interesting generalizations about each criteria category, each section is missing specific information which will be needed in revision.

    Missing Findings and Analysis section. 

    The Findings and Analysis section must include a brief narrative summary of the major discoveries from the Evaluation of Alternatives section. In addition, this section must include a chart to illustrate these findings at a glance.

    The Justification Report requires that you create two Alternatives for the Problem identified. The directions also require that you create 5 criteria with which both Alternatives will be assessed. Your Report does not meet these standards

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