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Review An Essay And Critique Check Correct Verbs Pronouns And Modifiers

Write a 1-page critique of a peer’s persuasive essay using the elements of writing.

  • Be sure to include at least one quotation from the persuasive essay.
  • Check for and correct verbs, pronouns, and modifiers in your writing.

How do you motivate a High-Schooler that is not interested in school? I have a few ideas and factors to help lead towards improving their motivation. A benefit we all have is that we too were once Teenagers!

 From the time I was in school, I was quickly distracted and found attending school daily a waste of my day. I would rather spend my day working and making money. Having free time after school was more important as well. Spending 8 hours at school doing class work, having to go home with more homework was not appealing.

I had learned this through taking Ap and college prep classes while I was in High-school, Packets of the weekly material handed out each week. These packets were not due until the end of the week. During that week, we would spend our class time having discussions and free times to review a subject matter we may have struggled. One way I think we could motivate children. Weekly packets, gives the teen more freedom. It would allow the teen to do the job on their time without the stress of completing the work each day. Thus, the student has a week to complete assignments. That is four full days the teen would have to study, review and complete multiple subjects.

Keeping a teenager motivated to do homework is a challenging task. According to Forbes.com, 40% of High-Schooler’s become disengaged from school. That is an alarming percentage. How do you motivate this 40% while still engaging the rest of the 60% school population? Having the ability to complete work on their own time may help with these percentages.

Benefit of being able to complete work on their own time allows them more time in the classroom to ask the teacher for help, or socialize in a less stressful environment. Packets give the opportunity to review more thoroughly a subject they find more appealing to them.  As a result having more free time, gives more personal time with the teacher. Student and teacher no longer tasked with the daily requirements they have known to jam subject matters into an hour class. Forcing three or four chapters into one class each day is a lot of subject matter to push on a teen. Not to mention time, dates and names kids must learn depending on the subject matter.

Less stress and having more free study allows one to be more comfortable in approaching the teacher when they are having trouble on a particular topic. While researching for this essay, I came across a page on wikihow.com. It mentioned incorporating culture news, Pop culture, and themes that they are already interested.

Free time is a great way to introduce group studies or learning games into a class environment. An important part of high-school is the interaction between other students. Rather than spending time learning in class, teens would prefer talking and enjoying their time with other students. Their friends or those they have an attraction to and want to show off when in the same vicinity. Why can’t we use that to our advantage? Having daily group discussions/ games is an excellent motivator. Each day the teacher arranges different groups, three or four groups depending on the size of the classroom.  You can add as much of the subject material into a game as you wish. Offer up prizes to the students. Prizes can be anything the teacher is offering up to the teens that they feel they can afford. Maybe allowing the winning team a free period the next day would be a great motivator.

I know a teacher would not want to spend their  money. That would become very expensive. Having the discussion/game in the form of a trivia competition would have anyone involved in class. Who doesn’t love to play games? Another way they could get them involved is by playing Pictionary with the course material. Games offer an exciting way to introduce course material with more fun and relaxation. Playing games a few times throughout the week would have the kids studying the material more. What kid would not want a free period to do whatever they wish? Teenagers earning a free period, over just having the free time given to them, may fill them with a better sense of accomplishment.

Obtaining a free period would allow the students the time they need to calm down from stressful environments. Much like, a person should take a 20 min nap every day to recharge and help lock in some memories for that day. Benefits of Napping, they restore alertness, enhance performance, and reduce mistakes and accidents. A study at NASA on sleepy military pilots and astronauts found that a 40-minute nap improved performance by 34% and alertness 100%. I see free periods acting in a similar fashion, even if the student does not take that time to nap.

Using these games as replacements for quizzes and grade each teen on their participation may also increase the willingness to answer the question. Inform them at the beginning of the semester, lessening the pressure on the game. Chances are with Teens they will forget about the grading within a few weeks. All will still try to participate and answer questions.

There is just too many benefits from assigning packets to course studies and as homework each week. Most importantly, it allows a teen to be a teen. Not forcing them to grow up before they are ready.  They have more time to hangout with friends and do activities to keep their minds off of sports or whatever activities they participate. They have more time to themselves, bringing on less stress.

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