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Sales Analysis Spreadsheet 3

Using the ABC Technologies Inc., Q1 2012 Sales spreadsheet, analyze the data on Q1 2012 Sales identifying the following:

  • Monthly sales by Region
  • Quarter One sales by Region
  • Monthly sales by Product
  • Quarter One sales by Product
  • Monthly sales by Region, by Sales people
  • Quarter One sales by Region, by Sales people
  • Create a graph or chart that compares the data in a meaningful way, i.e. compare regions by month, compare products by month, etc…

Create a spreadsheet formatted to present your analysis of the sales numbers to management. In your spreadsheet, use the following:

  • Use the SUM function
  • The date function
  • An additional math or statistical function of your choice
  • Fill colors to differential areas of your spreadsheet
  • Border lines to differential area of your spreadsheet

bis221_r1_ABC_technologies_inc_Q1_2012_sales_week4 (1).xls 

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