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Select The Profession Of Medicine An Alternative Profession Or A Mainstream Pr

  1. Select the profession of medicine, an alternative profession, or a mainstream profession from the textbook or of your ownpreference. (If you choose a profession that is not in the textbook, you must provide proof that the profession that youhave chosen falls under one of the above mentioned categories). Research past and current practices that have takenplace as they relate to issues with bioethics and discuss the following issues: 

    *Have there been any reports of unethical practices within the profession recently? (Select and discuss only one).

    *Were there any past incidents of unethical practices? (Select and discuss only one).

    *Are issues of bioethics addressed in the guidelines of their governing bodies and/or associations? (American

    *Medical Association, American Nurses Association, etc.). If so, what are they? What are the consequences of violating the guidelines?

    *What recommendations would you make to the professional governing body for this profession to both maintain and improve the standards of ethical practice in this profession

    should be at least three pages, with supporting facts, citations, and references in APA format. 

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