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Writing Nee Help Please 1

Perilsof the Police Chief

Identify the options thatcommunities have regarding the influence, support, or removal of a politicallyappointed Police Chief. How influential can the community, labor union, orpolitical leadership be in supporting a chief who is under fire by oppositionsupporters? Conduct research and cite an example that is not included in the assignedreadings.  


In Lincolns Gettysburg Address he started that “government of thepeople, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”, thisidea was pulled from the declaration of independence and other philosopher fromthe 17th century Hobbs and Lock. This philosophy ties in to thesubject of appointed officials, for example a police chief. Police chiefs areusually appointed by a politician, for the reason of serving the public.Therefore is the public on a large enough scale doesn’t approve of the currentofficial it is the right of the people to demand a dismissal of the currentchief.  

How is this done, well every American citizen has the right guaranteed tothem by the first amendment to legally protest and publically voice concern forthe issue at hand. By voicing concerns and creating a media frenzy, about theoutrage of an ill appointed police chief. The political leaders will respondaccordingly. I believe on of the biggest and strongest ways to change is anassembled public group. However this group must be able to articulate theirconcerns on to a unified expression of discontent, with the current standingsof the elected official. This is because community leaders deal with manycomplaints and many diverse issues it can often be to time consuming or tootrace these issue to the core. But with a unified approach the community isdoing what communities have done in the past and changed their government. 

Our discussion, theother individuals answer tell the bad and good of post, list reference thanks

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