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Writing Nee Help Please 4

AcademyCurriculum week 2 discussion 1

You are consulting with a large-size police department that has been criticizedin the media for its high levels of recent incidents involving police errors inprocedure, police misconduct, and revelations of inappropriate use of force.The police department and the police chief have come under extreme criticismfrom the media, the community and the city officials. On page 127 of PolicingAmerica: Challenges and Best Practices is a list of common curriculum implementedin a police academy. Answer each of the following questions pertaining to thatcurriculum and defend your answers:

  • Looking at the nature of the curriculum and topicsincluded, which training topics do you think might be added to help combatthe above issues? Why would that help?  
  • Which topics should be expanded in their duration? Why? 
  • Which topics should be refreshed and included incontinuing education of experienced officers? Why?
  • Which curriculum topics should be deleted altogether?Why?  

Our discussion first the individuals response,need bad and good of post list reference thanks


Based on the above issues the training that wouldbe best to combat them would be self-improvement, with a focus on ethics andintegrity. The reason for focusing on ethics and integrity is because withoutgood ethics and good moral integrity there is more of a chance that there willbe misconduct because they do not have a good ethical standing and thinking. Inthe book it states that in the academy that the cadets receive eight hours ofinstruction on ethics and integrity, there should be more than eight hoursduring this training process and remedial training in this area every fewIn-Service cycles. Mediation and conflict management should also be increased,with the proper tools to handle a conflict there is a greater chance that itwill be resolved without the issue becoming physical. During the academy thebook states that cadets receive 88% with academy training and eight hours oftraining, this training should also be increased to ensure that they have a fullunderstanding of the subject. Mediation is also important because the officerwill be able to mediate what the issue is between those involved. Using goodverbal skills is paramount to communication and when applied correctly is veryimportant in reducing liability for the agency. The reduction in liabilitycomes in the form of reduced officer injuries, citizen complaints and excessiveforce.

Computers and information systems training shouldalso be increased from 58% and the hours of training should be increased pasteight. The era of knuckle draggers has ended and we are in the technology ageif the officers learn how to operate the systems they will be using before theyare put out on the streets then they will be able to properly use the systemsonce they are actually on the streets. Increasing this training will lessen thepossibility for errors. It has been predicted that within the next decade that90% of the work force will be knowledge workers this is something we as thepolice should be planning for now. Computers and information systems shouldalso be a refreshed and continued education for experienced officers becausenew programs are always coming out and when a system is updated the officersalready on the streets or who have been there for a long time need to learn howthe new system works and be able to use it efficiently.

I cannot single out topics that should beeliminated I think the more educated the officer is the more rounded he will beon the street. I believe that in the light of the advancing knowledge andliabilities agencies will have to open their coffers to extend police academiesand finally realize that by doing so we are providing a better safer productfor our community, officers that can use reasoning to solve problems ratherthan force.


Peak, K. (2012). Policing America: Challengesand best practices (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education

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