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Chapter 11 discusses common robberyand specialized robbery and the criminal investigative techniques involved insolving them or prosecuting suspects. Analyze both of the robberycases below and address the corresponding questions for oneof them.

  • Threeof the fifteen convenience stores in your community have been robbedwithin the last month, all between 11:00 p.m. and midnight. The suspect,who was captured on security videotape in two of the robberies but wears aski mask over his face, is apparently responsible for the robberies. Hismodus operandi is to enter the store when it is empty, point a gun(revolver) at the clerk, and demand all the money in the cash register.The suspect speaks with a stutter and had difficulty speaking during oneof the robberies. The clerks all said they smelled alcohol on thesuspect.   
    • Whatcriminal investigation actions should be taken?
    • Whatconsiderations should be noted for the perpetrator and the victims?
    • Isthis case solvable? Should it be pursued? Why or why not?

 “Modusoperandi is method of operation; robbersoften repeat their MO, which can be useful in figuring out who committed aparticular crime” (Becker & Dutelle, 2013,p.313). There are many different kinds ofrobbers from all different lines of work, and each has there own motivate for committing the crime. Although,each jurisdiction has there own definition. “The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program defines robbery as thetaking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, orcontrol of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/orby putting the victim in fear” (Robbery, 2010, para.1).

There are manydifferent kinds of robberies, ATM robbery, Commercial Robberies, Residentialrobbery. Armed Robbery when a person carries a dangerous weapon, and causesharm to a victim. Aggravated robbery,when a robber causes harm to a victim by using force. Both are punishable bylaw. A prosecutor needs to find you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Dependingon the severity of the robbery, can be a Class 1 or 2 felony. “In Wisconsin, afelony is defined as any criminal offense that is punishable by imprisonment instate prison, all other criminal offenses may be sentenced to confinement orplaced on probation, and/or fined” (Carmichael, 2013,p.7). If under the age of seventeen you could be convicted as a adult. Depending on the state you could get anywhere from 4 to15 years in prison, and a lesser crime probation. Street Robberies, “Robberiesoccur predominately on the street, there is little useful evidence available toresponding officers” (Becker & Dutelle, 2013,p. 312).

Street robberieshappen to certain individuals at acertain hour, second, or minute of a day, and they are distinguished, and in specific locations. Guns are the weapon robberslike to use although knives, clubs, brass knuckles, broken bottles have alsobeen used.

The first is a street robbery that occurs especially over midnight.The offenders have been able to attempt and event complete several theftswithin the last few day at the convenience store. The offenders have been usingforce to threaten the victims, the cash clerks at the stores. The offendersalso seem to target certain victims. However, after arresting a stutter andunder alcoholic influence suspect raises a point of concern. Researchersbelieve that the consumption of alcohol tends to intensify a perpetratortendency to involve them in violence.

The alcohol influence link to crime has been rampant and calls for theuse of alcohol and drug policies in dealing with the crime. The measures to forlegal action will have to depend on the measure of the criminal violence(Bassiouni, 2008). The perpetrator is under influence of alcohol, which is amind-altering substance.

In the first place, it is good to first to consider seriousness of thelevel of crime since and damages. It is also good to consider that the robbersare armed and they threaten the clerks using the guns to get money (Liem,2011). Then the crime involves a case of armed robbery that calls for a maximumpunishment by the law.  It is alsonecessary to understand that the crime might be as from the influence of gettingmoney for alcohol or other drugs. The person under influence might cause morerisk to the victims since he or she consumed a mind-altering substance.

This case is solvable and thus requires going to the next extent sinceit is a serious crime, and has been happening several times. It might be aplanned syndicate determined to terrorize the community and thus pursuing itwould be the appropriate option to ensure that we unearths all the issues.


Bassiouni,M. C. (2008). International criminal law. Leiden, The Netherlands: M. NijhoffPublishers.

Becker, R.F. & Dutelle, A. W. (2013).Criminalinvestigation(4thed.) Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Carmichael, C. D. (2013, January). FelonySentencing and Probation – Wisconsin State … Retrieved fromlegis.wisconsin.gov/…/55_Felony%20Sentencing%… Wisconsin Legislature

Liem, M.(2011). Handbook of European homicide research: Patterns, explanations andcountry studies. New York: Springer.

Robbery – FBI.(2010, September). Retrieved from https://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/…/robbery.html

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