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Writing Need Help Please 312

InvestigatingComputer Crimes

Chapter 16 of your text discusses computer crimes and the challenges theypresent to investigators.  Provide a couple of examples of computer crimesand explain how they differ from traditional crimes.  Describe the unique challengescomputer crimes present to investigators.  Your discussion of challengesshould include identifying and investigating the crime as well as seizingevidence.  You should also address relevant constitutional issues. Lastly, discuss ways in which computer crimes, and the investigation of such,might impact law enforcement policy.

Week 4Discussion 2

Our discussion first, then theindividuals response just need to tell the bad and good of post listreferences.


Hacking is the biggest computer crime out there and the onethat cost the most for the victim. In computer hacking of a bank account orsomeone’s credit cards there is often not a paper trail for the investigator tofollow which will make investigating the crime difficult for a street officer.The next computer crime is the internet luring of children  While it seemstraight forward that you just look at the name on the computer screen we allknow the internet is a complicated place where things are not as they seem. Aswith the hacking there is no paper trail and the information available to thestreet officer is probably fake. To investigate computer crimes you need morethan a basic understanding of how computers work and some specialized trainingon navigating the internet.  Once the suspect computer has been identifiedthen comes the issue of locating its location and then contacting thejurisdiction there. Next comes the gathering of the needed information for awarrant to seize the computer and search its hard drive and history to gatherneeded evidence. Now common sense says just get a hacker on or side and breakinto their computer but that would be an invasion of privacy and would make anyevidence fruit of the poisonous tree. When it comes down to our policies theyare in an ever changing state with advances and changes in technology. Astechnology advances we are in a game of catch up and learn by trial and errorin investigation of the crimes and what we as LEOs can do legally.

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