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CollectiveBargaining week 3 discussion 2

Ascollective bargaining regarding public employees pay, benefits, and pensionobligations agreements have become a significant issue across the UnitedStates, complete a comparison of the three models of collective bargaining. Inyour analysis, identify which model(s) are more advantageous to either labor ormanagement and why. How does the reduction of employee rights in several statesaffect law enforcement? What impact does the inability to strike have on thecollective bargaining process?

The language in the Ohio RevisedCode is pretty clear, stating, “No public employee shall strike during theterm or extended term of a collective bargaining agreement.”

BlueFlu the 53 officers called in sick in aillegal strike. The term blue flu is a work stoppage by a group ofemployees who are prohibited by law from calling a standard labor-union-typestrike. In lieu of striking, employees will conspire to call in sick on the same dayor days to voice a protest or win some type of concession. Instead of workingemployees would call in sick. This was namely used by uniformed policeofficers. The blue Act places pressure on supervisory staff when it comes toscheduling issues. Courts have ruled for and against the blue flu. Strikingshould be treated a human right. There are laws in place such as the TaylorAct, and National Labor Relations Act.

Collectivebargaining is aprocess of negotiation between employers and a group ofemployees aimed at reaching agreements to regulate working conditions. Theinterests of the employees are commonly presented by representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong. The collective agreements reached by these negotiations usually set out wage scales,working hours, training, health and safety, overtime, grievancemechanisms, and rights to participate in workplace or company affairs (Buidens& Wayne, n.d.).

Modelsof collective bargaining differ in their characteristics which enable them toremain competition to their enemies. One is traditional method, in this thereis acceptance of an adversarial approach and also assumption of certainfundamental differences in interest between employers and employee. There isalso acceptance of both parties that an employer has to remain in business forworkers to stay employed(DeLord, Burpo, Shannon and Spearing, 2008).

Mutualgain or new model is another form of collective bargaining, in these there isrelatively equal power and an equal need of good settlement. This means thatall public employees are given some benefits such as good housing, provision oftransport and others. The third model of collective bargaining is unitarymodel; this is a special model as it involves those public employees who have asenior rank in the organization. Here there is provision of every luxuriousthing to them; also there is provision of good housing and transport. Accordingto my opinion, traditional method is more advantageous than others due to itsassumption of certain fundamental differences in interest between employers andemployees (DeLord and Sanders, 2006).

In traditional method acceptance of employerto remain in business for workers to remain employed makes public employee tominimize stress of unemployment or making of loses. When there is reduction ofemployees in states it affects law enforcement in some several ways. One isthat, due to rising productivity and influence, older workers find themselvesdisadvantageous in their effort to retain employment and especially to regainemployment when displaced from jobs. The impact of inability to strike oncollective bargaining process is reduction of income to the organization andalso insecurity to the public. Therefore my recommendation is that thegovernment to use appropriate model of collective bargaining so as to makeincrease in services rendered by public employers.

only a negotiated settlement caninsure the continuing labor peace which should be a prime goal of both laborand management (Mulcahy & Schweppe, 1976, p.143).

The public’s safety becomes threatened, upon taking thejob of a police woman or man, the duty to protect and serve should come beforesalary.


Buidens, Wayne, and others. “Collective Gaining: ABargaining Alternative.” Phi Delta Kappan 63 (1981): 244-245.

DeLord, R., Burpo, J., Shannon, M.,Spearing, J. (2008). Police Union Power, Politics, and   Confrontation in the 21stCentury (2nd Ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishing, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-398-07821-8

DeLord,R., Sanders, J. (2006, August). PoliceLabor-Management Relations (Vol.I):   Perspectivesand Practical Solutions for Implementing Change, Making Reforms, and   Handling Crises for Managers andUnion Leaders. U.S. Department ofJustice   Publications. Washington,D.C. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from www.cops.usdoj.gov. (Document ID:1932582681).

Mulcahy, C., & Schweppe, S. H. (1976).PDF] Strikes, Picketing and Job Actions By Public … Retrieved fromscholarship.law.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2204…mulr – Similar

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