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(This week’s assigned readings focuson how individual departments or organizations designed their training programsto meet regulated training standards. Conduct research on federal and statetraining standards through the Internet and the Ashford Online Library. Then,based upon the assigned readings and your own research, discuss the following:

  • How do state and federal training standards differ?
  • How are law enforcement training standards evaluatedand maintained?
  • Who governs the review of training at the state andfederal levels?  
  • Is there a federal authority assigned to maintaintraining standards for law enforcement from state-to-state?
  • What impact do this authority and training standardshave on law enforcement officers?

Our discussion first,individuals response, tell bad and good of post. List references

Am)Whenit comes to state and federal training standards, there are many differences.One of the largest differences would be what each state has set forrequirements, as well as the requirements set by the federal government. Oneother difference is the matter of jurisdiction. For example, the FBI hasjurisdiction throughout the United States, while an Illinois State PatrolOfficer would have jurisdiction only in Illinois. With this being said, eachgroup has to comply with the requirements and laws of the state or federalgovernment. With each state, the training standards may be evaluated andmaintained by the state’s Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Forexample, the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board members arethe ones who “promote and maintain a high level of professional standards forlaw enforcement and correctional officers” (McClain, 2015). With the federaltraining standards, the ones to evaluate and maintain those standards could bethe Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation, since they began making aneffort to raise the standards in 1900 (FLETA, n.d.). Between the two groups,there may be a training advisory board. This board may involve members fromvarious parts of the state. Some of these members may be a chief of patrol,chief of detectives, chief of personnel, chief of special operations, policeofficers, and representatives from the academy (O’ Keefe, 2004). As for thefederal level, individuals from around the country may make up a training boardor there may be an accreditation board such as FLETA, which sets the standardsfor the country. There is a federal authority assigned to maintain trainingstandards for law enforcement from state to state. This federal authority wouldbe the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). FLETC is used toprepare recruits and veterans to “fulfill their responsibilities in a safemanner and the highest level of proficiency” (Department of Homeland Security,2013). The impact that can be had on law enforcement officers is that itimproves the officer’s knowledge and how they might handle certain aspects thatarise. 

Department of Homeland Security. (2013,March 28). Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: Strategic Plan.Retrieved from FLETC:https://www.fletc.gov/sites/default/files/imported_files/about-fletc/strategicplan.pdf

FLETA. (n.d.). History.Retrieved from FLETA: https://www.fleta.gov/history

McClain, K. (2015). About Us.Retrieved from Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board:http://www.ptb.state.il.us/aboutus.htm

O’ Keefe, J. (2004). Protecting theRepublic: the education and training of American police officers. UpperSaddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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