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Wwriting Need Help Please 11

RaisingCapital for your Police Organization

What method of fund raising would you recommend for a police agency to raisecapital? Do you think that it is acceptable for police departments to initiateand/or fundraise in the community? Does this compromise the ethics of thedepartment?  Could it create a community sentiment of entitlement?  
Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarlyresources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of yourclassmates’ posts by Day 7.

Required Text

Mikesell, J. (2011). Fiscaladministration, analysis and applications for the public sector (8th ed.).Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage.

Chapter 13 of “FiscalAdministration.” 

 National Center for EarlyDefibrillation, (2010). Funding Your AED Program. Retrieved from:http://www.early-defib.org/03_06_05.html

As much as policeorganizations usually don’t need fundraising for them to get capital, at somepoint they might be forced to make funds due to some reasons. Policeorganizations might often be prompted to raise funds especially if they arerunning low on capital and there is need of more funds. There several ways inwhich police organizations might decide to raise funds with including the saleand the auction of items in the police department.

  The police organization can decide on making clothing forexample t-shirts which are meant to be worn by the community at large. Theorganization should make sure that the t-shirts are most stylish andfashionable in such a way that they will invite people from the community topurchase them and hence this will help as funds will increase. They should belooking great too. The t-shirts should also be having a positive message whichcan be communicated through the t-shirts around the community (Mikesell, 2011).

  In choosing, for example, the sale of the t-shirts inorder to raise funds it will be more of a risk-free approach since theorganization is on a tight budget. This is one of the best methods to raisefunds in a police organization since; they will first launch the fundraisingand inform friends. If the funds end and sales have exceeded, there will bemore t-shirts manufactured and distributed to them. If the minimum sales arenot reached it means that more t-shirts will not be manufactured and hencethere will be no loss incurred (The Law of Fundraising, 2010).

  I don’t think that it is wrong for police organizationsto fundraise since they might be running on a tight budget which means thatthere are more funds required. This fundraising usually cannot affect theethics of the police since its just like a community service since thecommunity will also benefit in it. It could not also affect the community asmuch in the manner of making them sentimental on entitlement.

I don’t think this is what the instructor islooking for with these questions? or maybe he is, it is the quetions in bold that need answered towards the top thanks


The Law of Fundraising .(2010). John Wiley & Sons.

Mikesell, J. (2011). Fiscaladministration, analysis and applications for the public sector (8th ed.).Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage.

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